Möchten Sie sich nicht gerne unsere neue Podcast-Serie The Naked Truth About einschalten?
Ich habe diese Serie Anfang 2022 mit Prof. Dr. Beverley Wilson-Wünsch gestartet.
Gemeinsam erforschen wir die Welt der Gastfreundschaft und bringen diese näher an die Welt des Service
Welcome to “The Naked Truth About”-Podcast.
Let’s start with sharing with you what this podcast is all about.
We are Daniëlle Hellebrand, executive coach, keynote-speaker and columnist at Better Brains at Work and Beverley Wilson-Wünsch, Professor at a an International University in Germany.
We are constantly creating open, meaningful, challenging conversations about subjects that affects us all. We are talking to fascinating people who share their backgrounds and stories with us. More than ever people are hungry for the truth. And truth is not always easy; it can be hard and forces us to go beyond our comfort zone.
Tune in and let’s learn out loud together with us and all the other fellow travelers on this journey called “life”.
Dr. Florian Besch is Founder, Managing Partner and Coach at Nevo – Training, Coaching, and Development. He is coach and facilitator at Nevo where he focuses on organisational as well as personal change processes within companies (trainees, high potentials and executives). His work spans areas of personality formation, mindfulness trainings and integral development, conflict resolution, health prevention and stress relief, appreciative company culture, team lead and management. He works quite a lot with children and ‘difficult’ youths especially on social competencies, violence prevention and self-assertion.
Florian is an Anthropologist specialised in medical anthropology and his research is focused on Asian medicines (Tibetan, Chinese and Indian) and alternative medicines in Germany. Florian uses adventure based counselling, and budo (Qi Gong, Tongbei Chuan, Shorinjiryu Karate-Do) in his work.
He and his team won the ‘silver medal’- the second prize- , at the HR Award in Vienna -Switzerland- with an amazing tool which they use; which is called MapsTell .MapsTell is a cartographic representation of the way in which we behave, communicate and react- it’s designed to provide more insights into the differences between people…to get the best out of ourselves and the people around us.
03.39 – Florian elaborates on his studies and how he applies all his knowledge into his work.
04:09 – Florian talks about Learning as a major part of his life and that he will never stop learning. He feels he is doing makes him happy now. Started studying medicine and then left the sciences to get into Medical Anthropology, particularly Tibetian Medicine. He now work with people, help in their process of development.
07:00 – He speaks on Ancestral wisdom and inter-connectedness: There is a lot of ancestral wisdom…amongst others the indigenous people…People who lived in nature observed and connected directly with ecological systems every day. In everything they do they try to see the relationships between themselves and nature, trying to find the thread that connects the world rather than separates it. Everything is connected. 08:05 – Ancient wisdom sounds mysterious, mystical. The interconnectedness of all of us and people.Living in the Himalayas life became slow as we participate in others culture. This culture of understanding the world as is and there is no difference between us all. Feeling when others feel, understanding and feeling connectedness when others.Everything is so fast in western culture. We overlook that we are all connected, that you are in me, and me in you, and we are all a part of each other.
11: 23 – Understanding that all living systems in our universe have generative (creative), regenerative (self-sustaining) and degenerative potential.
13:31 – We should become clearer and that we feel each other no matter where we are in this world.
14:56 – Florian speaks about culture and how he grew up in Germany. We are critical here in Germany. Living outside of Germany, I get to learn my own culture more. There are 2 sides of a metal. Discipline here in Germany is one example that has helped him become who he is today. Being structured. On the other hand, he had to learn how to be more flexible, easy and loving.
17: 09 – Also, spoke about community and brotherhood: What came in my mind was my Indian friend who came to Germany and came and lived in my house. How he connected more to his friend from India than his neighbour. So community is important and we can feel brotherhood to all, no matter where we are from, according to Florian. He loves International communities that share a common ground.
21: 09 – Speaks about transformational change and the capacity needed to make these changes: – You are pointing to personal transformation. Societies transform as well. The most important ability for change is LISTENING. DEEP LISTENING. We need to listen to each other. But we often lack the ability to listen to ourselves. When we speak, we respond, immediately. But it is good to slow down and feel what is happening in us, when we hear one speak. If we want to connect, listening is the first thing. If I listen, I can hear you. Truly listening before judging what is said.Create space in which we can listen.Create more space where we can hear each other.
25:23 – Resonance. Swinging of the energy between us. Life can only succeed if we go into Resonance. Feel the swings between you and me and me, and in myself.
28: 21 – Speaks on Spirituality: Spirituality can have a negative connation. Spirituality is where we feel relationship and a bigger community and a bigger picture. Florian say he knows so many people who mediate for example for years but is no better than people who are not spiritual, for example. Having an inter-connectedness is really what makes the difference. If we do not feel our neighbour, our kids, our friends, then it is hard to feel spiritually well. Feeling self and the next person. For my personal life, I started in the Protestant Church, I know the bad things that come out of religious organisations, but it was my first space to grow. I then went in to Buddhism. Now I am more a Universalist.
33: 18 What is an experience everyone should have: TRIADS are great ways for people to grow. Meeting people we do not know and those we have a negative impression of, and really listening where they speak from. Those moments when we have negative, impression of someone, really taking time to listen to this person first before making judgements. That could really help us. That is something I think we need to have to change.
38: 07 – Florian, speaking on likely path forward and on his greatest wish and a cultural norm that he would change: That we would all learn how to connect to listening and become curious about others and what others have to say. To approach life with a certain amount of naivety. Not taking ourselves so serious. To be humble in our approach, as we meet others. There is a lot of richness out there , so we need to become interested in meeting and learning from each other. Treasuring that listening moment. Curiosity in Learning.